Saturday 4 April 2015

Update 04.04.15

Realised I haven't done an update for a while!

Work has been pretty busy lately which has been quite good. I finish my placement at the end of June which is sad as I've really enjoyed working with people at the company. 

The last update I did, I mentioned I was going to vlog my holiday around Asia. Unfortunately, I have decided I won't be posting this online due to not enjoying the cruise as much as I thought I would. I was really disappointed with the cruise ship although the port of calls were decent. The vlogging was pretty negative and you can tell I wasn't enjoying it therefore it's not fun to watch someone complaining! Also, I felt quite awkward vlogging in public haha. I did write a review on Celebrity Cruises instead though so if you want to have a read, please click here and if you want to see what I wore, please click here

I recently rearranged my bedroom. I wasn't happy with how it looked for a long time so I finally did something about it. I bought a new bed, moved the furniture around and rearranged my make-up. I think I'll do a blog post about it soon!! 

Also, some very exciting news! I became an auntie 3 weeks ago and literally adore this baby. I love babies so much and just children in general so I cannot wait to see him grow up!! 

Anyway, not much else to update you with now but stay tuned and you will see some make-up looks, more restaurant reviews and more exciting things on my blog :). Hope you all have a lovely Easter.