I document my fitness journey on my Instagram page @misslaneyx
The Changes
3 personal trainers later, I have discovered that I love weight training! It has changed my body so much and made me far stronger and fitter than I was back in September 2015 when I made the decision to get fit and healthy!
Left - September 2015 Right - 10th April 2016 |
In February, I started lifting weights properly with the help of a personal trainer! I would highly recommend seeking help from a personal trainer if you are new to the gym/ weight training! As I have had several personal trainers in the past who have taught me good form, I haven't had any injuries so far (luckily)!
I feel much more confident with my current body as opposed to before when I was holding a lot of fat, especially around the stomach area. I DO NOT have abs, I am still working on it!
My Gym Routine
I have started training legs/glutes twice a week because one of my aims is to build a bum as I currently kind of lack one... I do loads of squats (different versions), lunges, hip thrusts, good mornings etc. I love using the Smith Machine too for legs! I do kick backs on them, squats, lunges etc. You can find so many different exercises to do on youtube and instagram!
I train chest and back together doing supersets for 6 exercises. I then like to do other back exercises like single arm row using cables and lat pulldowns. I also like to throw in clean and press for my chest and back day!
Shoulders, biceps and triceps I do together for one gym session!
Lets not forget core and some cardio! I try and throw in a bit of cardio at least 3 times a week at the end of my sessions for around 10-15 minutes doing either a steady jog or HITT on the treadmill. I aim for 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off at 15kph-16kph. I try and increase the speed as much as I can but it really depends on how I am feeling at that moment in time because usually I am quite tired after my main workout.
I also like to dedicate one day to core and cardio at the end of the week. Unfortunately, my current gym doesn't have a TRX which is annoying as I love the TRX for core work.
An example of my week at the gym:
- Monday - Legs/glutes
- Tuesday - Chest + back + 15mins cardio
- Wednesday - Shoulders, biceps and triceps + 15mins cardio
- Thursday - Legs/glutes
- Friday - Core + cardio
- Saturday & Sunday - rest days
Below is a video of some of the exercises I do!
I struggle with diet quite a lot! I try and keep it clean when I can but sometimes I can't help myself but eat a few pieces of chocolate....
For breakfast, I will usually have porridge with fresh fruit and some granola or crushed almonds. An alternative breakfast option is toast with scrambled eggs - I use 1 whole egg and egg whites from two chicks products (liquid egg white).
For lunch, I usually opt for rice, salmon, chicken and lots of veg.
For dinner, I have either chicken, salmon or steak and lots of veg.
Examples of some of my meals below....
Breakfast example - omlette with lots of veg and some chicken |
Salmon and chicken with lots of veg |
Steak and veg |
Breakfast protein pancakes with lots of fresh fruit and a drizzle of fruit syrup |
Porridge with fresh fruit and and sprinkle of granola |
Snack - Kallo rice cakes with peanut butter, fresh strawberries and crushed almonds |
Porridge with lots of fresh fruit and crushed almonds |
Protein pancakes with lots of fruit and some peanut butter cups... |
I have a few protein powders that I use. For protein pancake making, I use Muscle Magpie in vanilla or PhD Diet Whey in belgian chocolate.
For a protein shake, I use Scitec Nutrition in strawberry white chocolate as it tastes AMAZING!
I sometimes opt for a pre-workout and I use a variety of different ones from my sponsor Muscle Crate. Use code ELAINE20 for 20% off!
I also have No Explode by BSN that I sometimes use for a pre-workout.
I do not rely on pre-workouts as they are so high in caffeine which means they can't be too good for you if you take it often! I only really take pre-workouts between 2-4 times a month. I only take it when I need a kick which is usually for a leg/glutes session or chest and back session which involves lots of heavy lifting!
I take a protein shake after every workout to help with muscle recovery and also to help with my protein intake for the day!
Muscle Crate Supplement Box - Use code ELAINE20 for 20% off |
If you have any questions, feel free to comment or send me a message!