Tuesday 19 July 2016

Muscle Crate Fitness Supplement Subscription Box

Muscle Crate

Muscle Crate is a fitness supplement monthly subscription box that includes products from some of the top brands! click here

Each month you will receive over 10 fitness supplement samples which gives you the opportunity to try new types of protein powders, pre-workouts, BCAA's, fat burners and more.

Basically, it means you get the chance to try a load of products which gives you the opportunity to find your favourite products and avoid purchasing full size products you may not even like!

Muscle Crate supplement sample subscription box starts from £15 or $22.50 per month with free delivery but with my discount code, you get 20% off your order if you use the code: Elaine20

May's Subscription Box
I received 3 protein powders from Scitec Nutrition and I absolutely LOVE the taste of these! It is incredibly easy to drink unlike some other protein powders I have tried! Strawberry White Chocolate is my FAVOURITE flavour! It is so yummy :)

What was inside May's subscription box?
  • Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein
  • FA Nutrition Xtreme Napalm
  • Scitec Nutrition 100% Whey Protein 
  • BB Warehouse Pure Whey 80 Protein
  • Cellucor C4 Preworkout
  • Kevin Levrone Levropump
  • USN Xedra-cut Slim Packs
  • Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
  • BB Warehouse Lux Protein Bars

June's Subscription Box

What was inside June's subscription box?
  • Biotech USA Iso Whey Protein Zero
  • Scitec Nutrition Pow3rd! 2.0
  • Nutrend Deluxe 100% Whey Protein
  • Nutrend 100% Whey Protein
  • Convits Vitamin Pack Box
  • BPI Sports Whey HD
  • Biotech USA Super Nova
  • Gat Amino GT
  • Venom Power Gas Mark 10
  • Morniflakes Go! Protein Porridge Pot

Since my first Muscle Crate box, I have bought myself a large tub of Scitec Nutrition whey protein powder in Strawberry White Chocolate. This just goes to demonstrate that these monthly supplement boxes are an incredible way to try new products from different brands!

Go get yourself a subscription box and to get £££ off, use my code Elaine20 at the checkout! You're welcome haha! 

Any questions, feel free to comment below and I will answer as best I can :)


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