Sunday 20 November 2016

Burger and Lobster | Restaurant Review

Burger and Lobster

The name speaks for itself. Burger and lobster are offered alongside chips and salad! 

With restaurants located in London, Manchester, Bath, New York, Stockholm, Dubai, Kuwait, Jeddah, Burger and Lobster is a global restaurant chain. 

Burger and Lobster do not usually take reservations but we were able to get a booking luckily for the 9 of us and were sat in an isolated / private area to the rest of the restaurant on the top floor which was very great!

The Menu & Pricing

The menu is quite limited. There are no starters or desserts or I wasn't aware of any starters and desserts... Just burgers with fries and salad for some options then lobster with fries etc. as you can see from the photo below. 

Lets talk pricing. It is relatively expensive for the portion you get. I ordered 'The Mayfair' burger which is a small burger with fries which cost £10. However, I wanted to add cheese to my burger which cost an extra £1. If I wanted to add bacon to it too, it would cost another £1 but I decided against it. The burger and fries was enough for me but if I wanted, I could definitely eat more. Usually, when I order a burger elsewhere, it would come up bigger and I would struggle to finish it. An original sized burger with fries costs £18 but lets not forget the service charge that they add on top which is typically 12.5%.

My burger was served in exactly the way a burger should be served - pink medium-rare! The patty was sandwiched inside a soft and sweet brioche bun and I chose to add cheese to my burger because I LOVE cheese. In a way, I wish I added bacon to my burger! The burger also comes served with crunchy pickles, thin sliced red onion, burger lettuce, tomato and burger sauce.

I really enjoyed my burger and it definitely satisfied my craving for a nice burger! The meat was good quality and the bun itself was nice. I usually try and avoid eating the bun but it was too tempting to avoid! I left half of it though as I usually try and finish the meat in case I get too full and let's be honest, the meat is the best part of the burger... Also, I try and avoid bread in general. I have nothing to fault regarding the food. I thought the chips tasted good too and again, satisfying enough!

Half of our group ordered lobster which looked really good and they all enjoyed it so do not be afraid to try the lobster!


Everyone is allocated a 2 hour slot for their tables.

The service we received was efficient and our waitress was polite and patient given it took a while for everyone at our table to arrive promptly. 

The only issue we had during our visit was unfortunately to do with paying the bill. Everyone had paid their part of the bill and included the service charge on top so overall we would be paying more than the total bill including service as everyone rounded up their part. 

Unfortunately, our waitress could not calculate properly and suggested we hadn't paid enough as the last person to pay she was trying to charge over £50 to cover the rest of the bill when her part only came to around £35. This resulted in our table doing the calculations from everyone's receipts which then did not match the waitress's figure. We calculated for a second time for the figure to come to the same amount therefore we argued the case to her. The waitress then calculated the receipts and eventually came to the same total as us and we were able to sort out the bill.

However, this was time-consuming and unnecessary given it was her error in calculation. However, it ruined the mood of some people on the table as it resulted in our table staying for an extra 10 minutes sorting out the bill when all of us had plans after the meal which meant we were delayed. It isn't a massive issue but it could have been easily avoided.

The Atmosphere / Decor

I visited the Burger and Lobster in Bank (Threadneedle Street) and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't expect the restaurant to be so spacious and decorated so well. I have heard mostly good things about Burger and Lobster, mainly about the food rather than the decor! 

I found the Burger and Lobster's seating arrangement very American in the way of booths etc. which really added to the funky vibe of the restaurant. 

The atmosphere in the restaurant was very positive. Good music playing and honestly, there is nothing to fault.

Would I Recommend?

Burger and Lobster are one of those places where you have to go at some point to try. I had a very positive experience and I really enjoyed my food and I can definitely say I will return at some point. Not exactly sure when as I would like to try other similar restaurants!

My Rating

I would rate the restaurant 8/10. 

Good food, great atmosphere and decor and good service in general. There was only a minor issue that occurred but it wasn't enough to ruin my experience!

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