Saturday 26 July 2014

Bad blogger, bad friend, work, busy busy!!

I am so sorry for not uploading a blog post in ages!! I am going to write a post about the food I have eaten in the past week because I have eaten out sooo much and I want to share some of the food with you as well as giving you an update of what I have been doing!

Sophie, I am so sorry I didn't wish you a happy birthday on your actual birthday!! I am such a bad friend and I will make it up to you when I see you on Friday!! So excited to see my best friends again on Friday! 

Basically the past week and a half, I have not spent much time at home due to work and seeing friends after work etc. 

I went to Brighton last Saturday! I haven't been to Brighton in ages so it was nice to go. Went for a really nice Italian in the Lanes bit which was lovely. I bought some new make-up from Bare Minerals and I have to say, I love the products! I am going to a review and a tutorial using the face products I got in my starter kit thing. 

On Sunday, we had another BBQ which was nice. I also ended up plaiting every girls hair haha.

Monday, I met up with my friend Charlotte from uni and went to a really nice restaurant and I will reveal which restaurant it is in my food blog! Wednesday I met up with another friend from uni and it was nice to catch up!! Thursday and Friday I was too exhausted for anything haha. 

Today I had a BBQ and tomorrow I am going shopping again!! Woo!!

This week is also another busy one as I am going out on Wednesday for a girls birthday from work which is exciting and on Friday I am meeting up with my best friends! 

Hope you have all been well and I will be uploading a blog post tomorrow about food! xx

1 comment:

  1. I just read this!! You dont need to apologise, youre a busy working gal :)
