Monday, 16 June 2014

Moving back home

Hey guys, sorry I haven't blogged for a few days! I have finally moved back home! It took a very long time to move all my stuff out of my uni room because as usual, I am an over packer. It nearly didn't fit in the car!!! I have a lot of unpacking to do now I am home and all my stuff is just scattered around the house so I am not looking forward to that....

 I hope you are all well! I have been filming a few videos so I hope to get one up on my YouTube channel tonight. I had actually filmed a dramatic smokey copper eye but the footage was a little messed up due to the lighting at uni and the camera I was using was pretty bad. I am now using my Dad's camera which is so good so the quality of my videos will now be so much better! I am finally becoming less awkward on camera now as I have sort of gotten use to the doing my make-up in front of a camera thing haha. I will also now be filming stuff like get ready with me, what's in my bag etc now that I have a better camera to film on and the sound quality is so much better than the previous camera I was using.

Hope you all had a lovely day and have enjoyed the sunshine the past few days! xxx

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